Borg El Arab Airport is proudly chosen for this year’s Safety Awards «Excellence in Airport Emergency Management and Resilience» in Africa

As a reflection of the Egyptian Ministry of Civil Aviation’s vision and dedication to enhance Egyptian Airport’s ranking, particularly in the areas of security and safety, EHCAAN has successfully achieved a new international accomplishment. Borg El Arab International Airport was proudly a winner of ”Excellence in Airport Emergency Management and Resilience” Safety Award in the category of airports with 10,000 to 20,000 AirCraft Movements (Category 3).

The Egyptian Holding Company for Airports and Air Navigation participated in these pivotal  meetings as one of the 712 members of the Airports Council International .

EHCAAN , headed by Chairman & CEO Engineer Ayman Fawzy Arab ,was proudly chosen to represent Africa at the Airports Council International.

The award was handed over to Captain Khaled El Alfi, Assistant Chairman for Commercial, Economic, and Planning Affairs, representing the company. This ceremony was  on the sidelines of the 33rd ACI Africa Annual General Assembly and Regional Conference, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from September 16th to 22nd.

It is also worth mentioning that Julius Nyerere International Airport, Tanzania, won first place in the category of airports with more than 50,000 AirCraft Movements (Category 1), while Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport, Mauritius, won in the category of airports with 20,000 to 50,000 AirCraft Movements(Category 2), and Korhogo Airport, Côte d’Ivoire, won in the category of airports with less than 10,000  AirCraft Movements (Category 4).

The safety awards highlight the commitment and dedication of the winning airports to ensure  safety and resilience in all their operations. ACI praised the efforts of the winning airports for setting high standards and developing actionable strategies in Airports Emergency Management across the continent.

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