Osama Mobarez chosen as secretary general of East Mediterranean Gas forum – min

Osama Mobarez was unanimously chosen as secretary general of the East Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF), said Petroleum Minister Tarek el Molla on Thursday.

This came during the sixth ministerial meeting of the forum that grouped the ministers of Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Jordan in addition to the adviser to the Palestinian president and representatives of Italy, France, the EU, the US and the World Bank.

The minister said Mobarez will start his three-year term in January.

The East Mediterranean Gas Forum, also known as the EastMed Gas Forum, is an international organization formed by Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, and Palestine.

Headquartered in Cairo, the forum focuses on developing collaboration policies and strategies in the sector, technical and commercial exchange, infrastructure development, and financing facilitation for project exploration.

The founders exchange information and seismic data on potential gas finds, and negotiate ownership of fields that straddle maritime borders.

Any EastMed country is allowed to join, as long as it supports the objectives of the forum.

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