inDrive puts safety first with the launch of its Safety Pact


inDrive, the global mobility and urban services platform, has launched a Safety Pact to empower our users and drive safety in ride-hailing. With Safety Pact, we reconfirm our commitment to the safety of all our users through dedicated features as well as provide tips and a code of conduct for all. We also encourage passengers and drivers to opt-in to ensure mutual respect and secure practices for every single ride.

Some data from the Pact

– The number of trips completed without any incidents or issues. Safety
99.999% of rides in the period of January 22 – June 23 happened without any confirmed incidents in MENA
– The percentage of trips that received positive passenger feedback (4+5 stars) 97% of trips were rated 4 and 5.

inDrive puts safety first by constantly enhancing safety features

inDrive continually evaluates and develops its safety mechanisms to keep users safe. We use ride data, user feedback, and conversations with experts to identify key risks, and then build tools to eliminate these:
1. A predictive system that, based on a set of factors, determines potentially dangerous behavior of the driver or passenger in advance and blocks the account (auto bans – we focus on complaints and reviews, ban those with complaints and low ratings).

2. Driver and passenger verification at registration. Full set of documents, including a driving license required from drivers. All data is stored with us, in case of an incident, we provide them to the police upon request. Passengers also go through a verification process leaving their phone and email data.

3. Regular photo control of the car – the driver should send a photo of the car, we check the correspondence of the car to the declared one and its condition

4. Regular photo control of the driver – the driver sends his selfie to the app, it is compared with the photo at registration – if the driver is different, the account is blocked //

5. Checking the criminal track record. We request a certificate of no criminal record; only a clean driver, in the eyes of the law, can work with us.
The pact, therefore, educates drivers and passengers about the most commonly used app’s safety features, including:

● the Emergency button, for direct contact with emergency services;
● the Share the Ride Route button, which allows passengers and drivers to share their route in real time with a trusted contact.
● a Safety Center with training materials and tips for drivers

The role of drivers and passengers in ensuring that every trip is a safe one

Our new Safety Pact provides safety tips and sets out a standard of conduct for both drivers and passengers, such as mutual respect and zero tolerance for discrimination. It also clarifies what information a passenger should specify when requesting a trip – for example, whether a child’s car seat is needed, or if they’re traveling with an animal.

Use the power of choice

The Safety Pact also encourages drivers and passengers to use the power of choice provided by the app. Unlike other mobility apps, inDrive gives drivers and passengers the ability to pick their driver or passenger, informed by past ratings and reviews.

inDrive constantly monitors such feedback, and bans problematic users from the app. Similarly, we urge our users to consider ratings and reviews when choosing a ride, and to always leave their own reviews after completing a trip. Honest feedback helps to keep everyone safe.

The vast majority of trips are completed safely, but as long as there are any incidents at all, we’ll keep looking for ways to improve our part of the deal. With our Safety Pact, we call on everyone who uses our app to empower themselves, and join us in making every ride a safe ride.

“Safety is critically important to inDrive. The wellbeing of people who use our app is our first priority. We know that to maximize safety, all three parties – inDrive, passengers and drivers – must play their part, and so our Safety Pact invites all our users to help make every ride a safe one. For our part, we know that effective policies and features go a long way to ensuring safety,” said by Moataz Toba business development representative at inDrive.

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